Since the school year 2021/22 QMS has been the new quality management system for all schools in Austria. QMS replaced the previous QM systems (SQA for general education schools and QIBB for vocational schools) and is the new, cross-school quality management system for all Austrian schools. In contrast to its predecessors, QMS focusses more strongly on the learning and teaching processes in schools and therefore on the level of teaching-related quality development.
The core tasks of the RQB include supporting Department III/5 Quality Development and Assurance of the Ministry of Education in the conceptualisation, nationwide implementation, realisation and further development of QMS. In close co-operation with the BMBWF, the RQB develops new instruments and methods for school quality management and advises on the content design of QMS.
The support system of RQB for QMS also includes the coordination and moderation of a working group on QMS-specific training and further education as well as a network of teachers from the university colleges of teacher education. The latter act as multipliers to pass on QM-specific knowledge at their locations. Both groups aim to exchange and develop new training and further education programmes (e.g. introductory QMS qualifications for school management and quality school coordinators, webinars on evaluation and feedback in IQES, university course for quality management in schools, etc.).
The website QMS.AT contains all information on QMS including numerous materials. The website and the associated contact address, as well as the accompanying digital evaluation and school development platform IQES Austria, are edited by the RQB team alongside members of Department III/5 at the BMBWF. Finally, we are also part of the editorial team of IQES Austria, the state portal for school and teaching development, which, among other things, serves as the new evaluation platform available to all Austrian schools.